The Setba Foundation collaborates since 2018 with the Department of Justice of Catalonia's Generalitat. Following the footsteps of the project "Traspassant murs", an artistic intervention in the Centro Educativo de Justicia Juvenil Can Llupià (Can LLupià Juvenile Justice Educative Center) in Barcelona, the Setba Foundation conceived and organized for the first time ever "Traspassant l'objectiu": a currently active participative project which uses photography as a tool for creation, aimed towards women deprived of freedom, and under the artistic direction of the photographer Marta Fàbregas.
This first edition has taken place in the Brians 1 penitentiary center, in Sant Esteve Sessrovires, and has had the collaboration of Olympus, Panasonic and Casanova Foto. The interns have received basic notions of photography, participated in a professional photoshoot, made portraits of one another, and have also been portrayed by Marta Fàbregas. Each project edition finalizes during the International Women's Day and consists of a participative action where the interns glue their portraits in the prison yard.
The objective of the project is to contribute to the empowerment of the interns, focusing on the role of "inspiring muses" that women and every one of them have.

Photograpy by Marta Fàbregas Photography with mixed technique and collage Watercolor paper on canvas (130cm x 100cm) Unique piece 2020

Photograpy by Marta Fàbregas Photography with mixed technique and collage Watercolor paper on canvas (130cm x 100cm) Unique piece 2020

Photograpy by Marta Fàbregas Photography with mixed technique and collage Watercolor paper on canvas (130cm x 100cm) Unique piece 2020

Photograpy by Marta Fàbregas Photography with mixed technique and collage Watercolor paper on canvas (130cm x 100cm) Unique piece 2020

Photograpy by Marta Fàbregas Photography with mixed technique and collage Watercolor paper on canvas (130cm x 100cm) Unique piece 2020

Photograpy by Marta Fàbregas Photography with mixed technique and collage Watercolor paper on canvas (130cm x 100cm) Unique piece 2020